It's amazing when the sun comes out how one's life isn't so bad afterall. After the last few days of sunshine, even the kids are enlightened and sunny themselves. Julia has even been helping me around the house - WITH A SMILE!
Gord and I are excited about our trip to Cuba too. He and I have never been away alone together - ever! It's not something we can ever really afford as we like to put our money towards the house and the kids, but what good is all that if Mom and Dad are not happy or just working to get by? I think it's very important to pay yourself first. The kids are young, but old enough to leave home. I'm excited and ready to relax!
On another good note, Carson and Julia both started gymnastics this week and did quite well. I was laughing hysterically when Carson was on the trampoline and was asked to jump off and onto the matt and land on his feet, but every time he would do a superman and fly on his stomach. The coach had a hard time not smiling and laughing, but we cheered when he finally got it.
It's a wonderful feeling as a parent when other adults laugh at the moments that differenciate your child from others. After a while, I'm sure as a coach or a teacher, these kids are like cattle being pushed through a fence....all the same...all mooing.... all annoying. When a child shines, and it's your child - I believe it's a wonderful gift to share it. My boy sure does know how to spread that joy!
Julia on the other hand is very pretty, and she's starting to know it. I'm really pushing the fact that beauty means nothing without brains. I'm very careful to not disrespect myself in front of the mirror. Self confidence starts with intelligence and hopefully over the years I can teach her more about that. She's 3... I think I can take it easy for now!
So for now the sun is shining and I have to go admire it quickly before it goes away!